2GO Coconut Oil is excited to partner with Evie Rae and Jakt Muscle to provide their amazing athletes and clients with our unique blend of organic virgin coconut oil and MCT oil.
2GO Coconut Oil is a natural clean energy source with no added ingredients or harmful stimulants.Ā It provides an instant energy boost and sustained endurance with no crash.Ā The MCTs in coconut oil convert to ketones (the ultimate fuel for the body) protecting muscle mass and preventing muscle loss.
2GO is conveniently packaged for easy, on the go, anytime, anywhere usage.
Thanks Evie for your partnership with 2GO!
You can purchase 2go coconut oil online or save theĀ shipping and buy locally at JAKTMuscle Training facility.
Product Testimonials
“As a coach, gym owner and natural wellness advocate, I stand by this product 100%!!! It plays such a role in my health, recovery and performance as well as my athletes on my USAW team TrueStrength and bodybuilding/physique team! Love, love, love this company and their awesome all-natural products!”
Evie Rae
“I love, love, love this stuff! I donāt drink my coffee without it and I always carry extra with me just in case I need a “pick me up”!”
Alyssa Rinehart
“As a busy working mother of two as well as a competitive athlete, a product like this is extremely helpful!”
“I really love the 2go oils. I use them in my coffee 1st thing in the morning and am able to power thru a workout with an energy surplus! The quick on the go packaging makes using this product a cinch for travelers as well. I noticed sometimes after coffee I am drained and reach for another cup But when I use the 2go oils in my coffee I feel energized for longer! As a busy working mother of two as well as a competitive athlete, a product like this is extremely helpful!”
Abi Dawn – National Level Figure Athlete
“I tell people around me all the time about it.”
“I was a little skeptical at first, because I have NEVER added coconut oil to my coffee! once I tried it, it wasn’t as bad as I thought and it tasted really good. I am a competitive Figure athlete, a mom of 2, I work full time and this product gives me the clean energy I need to have a productive day. I can tell the difference when I haven’t had my 2GO coconut oil because I do not feel as energetic as when I have had it. I use this 2x a day and it is by far the best thing I have come across for energy and HIGHLY recommend for everyone to give it a try.”
Lyn Brown – Figure Athlete
“I plan to add it to a morning or afternoon protein shake as well.”
“I started with a weeks worth of 2go coconut oil. I decided to try it 4 straight days, consuming a packet with my coffee every morning, then took one day off to feel the difference. I have very long days working a lot of hours and training for my sport at night, so mornings are a struggle to really get going for me. I felt a definite energy spike having one packet of 2go coconut oil each morning compared to just having my coffee plain.”
“The 2go coconut oil packets not only helped with energy but added flavor to my coffee as I drink it black. It was nice to have a different twist added. I support natural and healthy products for the body, so I would definitely recommend this to anyone for a good morning energy boost. I plan to add it to a morning or afternoon protein shake as well.”
Alex Martin – Bodybuilding Athlete